Back to Swansea!

07/05/2012 16:26

Greetings blog readers,


I have returned to the great land of Swansea after getting up horrendously early to catch the train back. I arrived however in good spirits after my harrowing journey and have now returned to my halls, where I proceeded to catch up with the weekends events. More on that later however, as our very own G-Shady will be the guestblogger, describing all the drama.


I had an extremely enjoyable weekend. Dad's retirement party was a success and I made a wonderful speech, further cementing my place as favourite child, and it was nice to catch up with lots of old family friends. Dad was going to be the guestblogger yesterday to describe the nights events but I think he was feeling a little worse for wear so I've asked him to email me his entry and I will post it later.


For now, I am stuck in my room attempting to revise on this bank holiday, getting nowhere. I still have a week and a hlaf till exams start however so no worries #gotages. As Gayvin shrewdly remarked earlier, bank holidays are a waste of time to students: to people who do nothing already, how is a day when shops and other services aren't open, at all helpful?


Peace out,




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