My Favourite floor friend

01/05/2012 22:26

Good evening to the fellow viewers of Firstly, I shall introduce myself to you, my name is Pigsy and I reside in a flat on the same floor as the infamous J-dawg. I'd liKe to apologize for any small errors I might make - please forgive me as this is my first ever blog.

Our friend G-shady (a small equally as blonde version of Eminem) suggested Jamie write this blog, we all thought this was a fabulous idea as Jamie is quite simply the most hilarious person you will ever meet/read blogs about. 

How I would describe James Lock, he is a fairly quiet character at times, shuffling around floor 5, lingering between rooms and pacing the corridors. He is not without his mobile phone, an iPhone 4 on which he googles various informative facts often to do with tax in evasion and council tax.

He is a very well spoken man with impeciable manners, something I'm sure Mrs Lock is exceedingly proud of. What makes J-dawg so brilliantly funny is his witty sense of humour and amazing one liners, he's also a lighthearted boy who enjoys doing nothing.


Quite recently, my co-star. Kim, from the famous Australian TV show 'Kath and Kim' and I were reading the British magazine 'Company' (we like to delve into  British media as we are very interested in the comparison of cultures) well we gave our buddy J-dawg an appropriate article, entitled 'No bitching please, we're bloggers'. The general content of this article was about evil people patrolling the internet and picking on people and making fun. I myself am a very protective sheila over all my buddies, especially J-dawg and this is a kind and polite warning that any internet trolls will be delt with accordingly.

Beware, Kath and Kim are some tough ass crazy australian bitches.


Anyway, I hope you have a fab time reading this blog and enjoy Jamie's sense of humour as much as we all do.


Peace out.
